(106/163) (2576x1932, 853kB)
Focal Length In 35mm Format | 89 mm |
White Balance | Auto |
Thumbnail Offset | 3830 |
Exposure Index | 80 |
Time Created | 12:08:26.01 |
Flashpix Version | 0100 |
Exif Image Height | 1932 |
Shutter Speed | 1/588 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Light Source | Unknown |
Screen Nail | SCALAR(0x3bf6270) |
Focal Length 35efl | 14.8 mm (35 mm equivalent: 89.0 mm) |
F Number | 5.6 |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Interop Version | 0100 |
Color Components | 3 |
Bits Per Sample | 8 |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
File Type | JPEG |
ExifTool Version Number | 7.30 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Date Time Created | 07-08-26 12:08:26 |
Light Value | 14.5 |
Directory | 2007/2007-08_zion |
ISO | 79 |
Kodak Image Width | 2576 |
Distance 4 | 15446 |
Subject Distance | 0 |
Image Height | 1932 |
Date Time Original | 07-08-26 12:08:26 |
Interop Index | R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB) |
ISO | 80 |
Aperture Value | 5.7 |
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling | YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2) |
Exposure Compensation | 0 |
Exif Image Width | 2576 |
Extension Create Date | 2003:03:29 17:47:50 |
Sensing Method | One-chip color area |
Exposure Program | Portrait |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 6.0 |
Digital Zoom Ratio | 0 |
Extension Description | Presized image for LCD display |
Various Modes 2 | 256 |
Quality | Fine |
Date Time Stamp | Off |
Kodak Model | Z730 |
Components Configuration | YCbCr |
Focus Mode | Normal |
Saturation | Normal |
Flash | Auto, Fired |
Preview Image | SCALAR(0x45b8c48) |
Shutter Speed Value | 1/512 |
Gain Control | None |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Focal Length | 14.8 mm |
Y Cb Cr Positioning | Centered |
Extension Persistence | Invalidated By Modification |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
White Balance | Auto |
Color Mode | Saturated Color |
Exif Version | 0221 |
Image Size | 2576x1932 |
Date Created | 2007:08:26 |
Distance 3 | 15446 |
Thumbnail Image | SCALAR(0x41fcd98) |
Contrast | Normal |
X Resolution | 72 |
Distance 2 | 14620 |
Image Width | 2576 |
Exposure Time | 1/588 |
Shutter Mode | Auto |
Creating Application | Picoss |
Storage-Stream Pathname | /Screen Nail_bd0100609719a180 |
Sharpness | Normal |
Hyperfocal Distance | 7.83 m |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.005 mm |
Exposure Time | 1/500 |
File Source | Digital Camera |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
Extension Modify Date | 2003:03:29 17:47:50 |
Thumbnail Length | 3924 |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Digital Zoom | 1 |
FOV | 22.9 deg |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
File Name | Picture 033.jpg |
X Resolution | 230 |
Various Modes | 14593 |
Create Date | 07-08-26 12:08:26 |
Exif Byte Order | Big-endian (Motorola, MM) |
File Modification Date/Time | 08-11-30 23:03:18 |
Subject Distance Range | Unknown |
Scene Type | Directly photographed |
Code Page | 1200 |
Exposure Compensation | 0 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Year Created | 2007 |
Encoding Process | Baseline DCT, Huffman coding |
Burst Mode | Off |
ISO Setting | Auto |
Sequence Number | 0 |
Sharpness | Normal |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Scene Capture Type | Portrait |
File Size | 853 kB |
Y Resolution | 230 |
Aperture | 5.6 |
Extension Name | Screen nail |
Kodak Image Height | 1932 |
Y Resolution | 72 |
Extension Class ID | 10000230-6FC0-11D0-BD01-00609719A180 |
Month Day Created | 08:26 |
Flash Fired | Yes |
Burst Mode 2 | 0 |
Max Aperture Value | 4.8 |
Total Zoom | 3.1 |
F Number | 5.6 |
Panorama Mode | 127 |
Flash Mode | Auto |
Distance 1 | 14620 |
Used Extension Numbers | 1 |