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CMM FlagsNot Embedded, Independent
White BalanceManual
Gray Mixer Red-11
CFA Pattern[Green,Red][Blue,Green]
Split Toning Shadow Hue34
Already AppliedTrue
Parametric Highlights-41
Lens Info700/10 2000/10 28/10 28/10
Light SourceCloudy
Photoshop ThumbnailSCALAR(0x1cb3c50)
F Number4.0
Green Saturation0
Bits Per Sample8
Max Aperture Value2.8
MIME Typeimage/jpeg
Digital Zoom Ratio1
File TypeJPEG
Connection Space Illuminant0.9642 1 0.82491
Gray Mixer Orange-21
Image Height2592
Profile CMM TypeADBE
Date/Time Original08-08-08 08:34:09
Luminance Smoothing0
Parametric Lights+55
Profile DescriptionAdobe RGB (1998)
Tone Curve NameMedium Contrast
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Profile ID0
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Convert To GrayscaleTrue
Focal Length In 35mm Format180 mm
Device Model
Green Matrix Column0.20528 0.62567 0.06087
APP14 Flags 0[14]
White BalanceManual
Gray Mixer Blue+15
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Modify Date08-08-12 16:08:15
Fill Light24
Focal Length120.0 mm
Date/Time Digitized08-08-08 08:34:09
Metering ModeSpot
White BalanceCustom
Chromatic Aberration R0
Vignette Amount-91
Lens70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8
Exposure ProgramManual
X Resolution300
Blue Tone Reproduction CurveSCALAR(0x1cb40e8)
Photoshop 0x0425Rn$玛׳
Red Tone Reproduction CurveSCALAR(0x1c35d98)
Exposure Time1/1000
Hyperfocal Distance179.72 m
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Exposure Time1/1000
Color TransformYCbCr
Field Of View11.4 deg
Profile ClassDisplay Device Profile
Exposure ModeManual
X Resolution300
Blue Matrix Column0.14919 0.06322 0.74457
Light SourceCloudy
Red Hue0
Exif Byte OrderLittle-endian (Intel, II)
Sub Sec Time Digitized41
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Exposure Compensation0
Encoding ProcessBaseline DCT, Huffman coding
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Custom RenderedNormal
Gray Mixer Magenta+4
Primary PlatformApple Computer Inc.
Split Toning Balance0
Shadow Tint0
Red Matrix Column0.60974 0.31111 0.01947
Parametric Darks-36
Custom RenderedNormal
Blue Saturation+98
Flash FiredFalse
Profile Version2.1.0
Has CropFalse
Focal Length In 35mm Format180 mm
Application Record Version2
Legacy IPTC Digest52876E8FB5E3ED95EC24CDE78E9BD7B3
Rendering IntentPerceptual
Profile CreatorADBE
Blue Hue-100
Gray Mixer Aqua-17
Camera Model NameNIKON D200
Parametric Midtone Split50
Shutter Speed1/1000
Resolution Unitinches
Focal Length120.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 180.0 mm)
Gain ControlNone
Last Keyword XMPwedding
Metering ModeSpot
Color Components3
Split Toning Highlight Hue34
ExifTool Version Number7.30
Resolution Unitinches
Date/Time Original08-08-08 08:34:09
Light Value13.0
Vignette Midpoint50
Time Zone Offset-7 -7
Profile File Signatureacsp
Y Cb Cr Sub SamplingYCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
Flash FunctionFalse
Aperture Value4.0
Exposure Compensation0
Exif Version0221
Exposure ProgramManual
Media Black Point0 0 0
Device Manufacturernone
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Gray Mixer Yellow-25
FlashNo Flash
Green Hue0
Parametric Shadow Split25
Gain ControlNone
Shutter Speed Value1/1000
APP14 Flags 1(none)
Focal Length120.0 mm
Exif Version0221
Image Size3872x2592
DCT Encode Version100
Image Width3872
Has SettingsTrue
Parametric Shadows+36
Date Acquired08-08-08 21:50:44
Image Height2592
Profile CopyrightCopyright 1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Tone Curve0, 0, 32, 22, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 196, 255, 255
File SourceDigital Camera
Camera ProfileACR 3.3
Image Width3872
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Camera Model NameNIKON D200
Exposure ModeManual
Profile Date Time99-06-03 00:00:00
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Shutter Speed Value1/1000
File Name128.jpg
Green Tone Reproduction CurveSCALAR(0x1ca3e98)
Sub Sec Time Original41
File SourceDigital Camera
Create Date08-08-08 08:34:09
Split Toning Shadow Saturation2
Image Number12126
Raw File Namewedding 202.NEF
Aperture Value4.0
File Modification Date/Time08-09-19 07:58:28
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Device AttributesReflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Instance IDuuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b
Color Space DataRGB
Red Saturation-98
Chromatic Aberration B0
Gray Mixer Purple+19
Parametric Highlight Split75
Highlight Recovery14
Split Toning Highlight Saturation2
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Modify Date08-08-12 16:08:15
File Size1821 kB
Y Resolution300
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Media White Point0.95045 1 1.08905
Flash ReturnNo return detection
Y Resolution300
Max Aperture Value2.8
Date/Time Original08-08-08 08:34:09
F Number4.0
Profile Connection SpaceXYZ
Flash ModeUnknown
Gray Mixer Green-28
Creator ToolVer.2.00