Cash - Buegel Wedding Ceremony (Aug. 8, 2008)



Gathering Words

By entering into this marriage Catherine Mary Cash & Charles Raymond Buegel are stating publicly the feelings and commitments they have held privately between them. They are proclaiming their love for, their trust in and their loyalty to the one they cherish above all others.

Marriage is the most intimate of all relationships. It is the ultimate commitment to love, share, trust and grow with another person. It is the beginning of a whole new life.

Marriage has been described as living in love with your best friend. Love is one of the few constants in the universe. It is reality, affinity and communication. Only love is capable of joining living beings by their deepest essence, uniting, completing and fullfilling them.

Marriage is a symbol of the commitment to create a lifelong partnership based on love.

Opening Prayer

God, say you join us today we ask for your blessings upon this couple as they unite in marriage.

Let all their days together be happy and all their words to each other be sweet.

Though their paths are intertwined, let them be aware of each others separateness. Bless their home and allow it to be a place of joy and serenity.

Remind them to nurture each other's body with mutual love, honor and respect. Let their spirits dwell within.

As they learn from one another, may they grow stronger as individuals and closer as a couple.

Charge to Couple

This is a new beginning for both of you and I'd like to offer some gentle reminders to ease your life-long task of living and growing together.

Be kind to each other. When you disagree, do it respectfully. Be gentle and forgiving with each other. When you forgive, your hearts grow a little bigger, a little more understanding and a little more compassionate.

Be strong, but flexible. When you compromise, you both win. A rigid branch will crack when the wind blows hard, so be strong enough to bend.

Communicate with each other. Share the joy that's in your heart and the sorrow that burdons your soul. Open your hearts to each other and find the love.


To Groom

Please take Cat by the hand and say to her:\

Cat, I take you to be my wife.
To love you with all my heart.
To share with you all my soul.
To grow with you through all my days,
As long as we both shall live.

To Bride

Please take Chuck by the hand and say to him:

Chuck, I take you to be my husband.
To love you with all my heart.
To share with you all my soul.
To grow with you through all my days,
As long as we both shall live.


Charles Raymond Buegel, do you take Catherine Mary Cash to be the wife of your days, the companion of your heart and the friend of your life? To stand united in the face of adversity and bask together in the light of good fortune? With these words spoken, and all those as yet unspoken, do you wish to marry Catherine Mary Cash and join your life with hers?

Arrrrrrr “I do.”

Catherine Mary Cash, do you take Charles Raymond Buegel to be the husband of your days, the companion of your heart and the friend of your life? To stand united in the face of adversity and bask together in the light of good fortune? With these words spoken, and all those as yet unspoken, do you wish to marry Charles Raymond Buegel and join your life with his?

“I do.”

Affirmation of the Community

The union of Cat & Chuck has joined us together because we are each reflected in it. A new family has been created in our community, and we have come here today to welcome them and celebrate their new relationship.

Do you, who are the family and friends of this couple, affirm your continuing support of and love for this couple as they stand poised on the threshold of their new life together?

“We do.”

The Rings

These rings represent the vows and promises you've willingly exchanged. They reflect the commitment those words inspire and all your hopes and dreams for the future.

(have the groom and bride repeat the following parts, pausing as needed)

To Chuck:

As you place the ring on her finger, please repeat after me:

With this ring, I marry you.
With my loving heart
With my willing body
And with my eternal soul

To Cat:

As you place the ring on his finger, please repeat after me:

With this ring, I marry you.
With my loving heart
With my willing body
And with my eternal soul

May the vows and promises you have made today be as everpresent in your hearts as these rings are on your fingers.


May you be blessed and sustained as you venture through the uncharted and challenging times that every relationship experiences.

May you find within yourselves all that you need to nurture your marriage.

May you continue to grow closer together and may your love grow deeper and richer with each passing day.


Catherine Mary Cash & Charles Raymond Buegel, you have come this day, in the presence of family and friends, to express your love for, and commitment to each other. Your lives are forever changed.

Now you can face your fears, for you each will be strength to the other.

Now you can brave the wind, for you each will be shelter to the other.

Now you can reap the rewards, for you each will be partner to the other.

Now though you are two bodies, there is one life before you. And there, in that life, may you always find love.


Cat & Chuck you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings.

It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride!

pause for the kiss....

It is my privilege to present to you, Mr and Mrs Charles Buegel!